It is very easy to get paid to increase your extra income by listing items or creating your photo gallery and sharing them to facebook, twitter, pinterest or email to friends. You will get paid by 40%-60%. detail as below,
Before you can start this get-paid activity, you need to have an Ekacy member account and a paypal account:
**Member account: You can register an ekacy member account by click "Register" on right top of this site page. registering an member account is free and no any monthly fee. This member account can record your income detail, so before you share an item or a photo, you must sign in the account firstly, otherwise, the commission can not be credited into your account.
**Paypal account: the concerning sellers will pay to your paypal account monthly. If you don't have a paypal account yet, please
click here Paypal to register one. After you signed in your member account on Ekacy marketplace, you will see "My revenue" on my account page, clik it and add your paypal account so that the concerning sellers will pay you the payment monthly to your added paypal account.
Listing items to sell, after someone sharing any of your listed items to their facebook, twitter, pinterest or email to friends, a buyer click the shared link to access Ekacy marketplace to see the shared item, then if the buyer place an order or orders and complete the payment for the shared item, or ANY ITEM or ANY ITEMS from any shops(YES, you are right! it is ANY ITEM, ANY ITEMS FROM ANY SHOPS, NOT ONLY THE SHARED ITEM) on Ekacy marketplace, you will get paid, a certain percentage of commission will be credited into your account.
So the creater of the item/photo and sharer who shared the item/photo will get paid as below:
*the creater of the item/photo gets: the item unit price x base commission rate x 60% x ordered item quantity.
*the sharer who shared the item/photo will get: the item unit price x base commission rate x 40% x ordered item quantity.
*the base commission rate is a certain percentage that a shop offer basing on each item unit price, it will be range from 5% to 30%, it varies from from one shop to another. But at least 5% and 30% at the most.
for examples:
example 1:
a dress unit price is us$75 and the shop offers base commission rate: 10%.
the buyers place 3 orders, the 1st order with 1 dress, the 2nd order is with 5 dresses, the third order is with 8 dresses.
so the creater of the item/photo and sharer who shared the item/photo will get:
for the first order:
the creater of the item/photo will get: us$75 x 10% x 60% x 1 dress=us$4.50
the sharer who shared the item/photo will get: us$75 x 10% x 40% x 1 dress=us$3.00
for the second order:
the creater of the item/photo will get: us$75 x 10% x 60% x 5 dresses=us$22.5
the sharer who shared the item/photo will get: us$75 x 10% x 40% x 5 dresses=us$15.00
for the third order:
the creater of the item/photo will get: us$75 x 10% x 60% x 8 dresses=us$36.00
the sharer who shared the item/photo will get: us$75 x 10% x 40% x 8 dresses=us$24.00
example 2:
a wedding dress unit price is us$205 and base commission rate: 15% from Shop A;
a bow tie is us$15, base commission rate: 5% from Shop B
a infinity bridesmaid dress unit price is us$46.90, base commission rate: 10% from Shop N
the order with: 1 wedding dress, 10 bow ties, 10 infintiy bridesmaid dresses.
so the creater of the item/photo and sharer who shared the item/photo will get:
the creater of the item/photo will get: (us$205 x 15% x 60% x 1 dress)+(us$15 x 5% x 60% x 10 bow ties)+(us$46.9 x 10% x 60% x 10 dresses)=total: us$ 51.09
the sharer who shared the item/photo will get: (us$205 x 15% x 40% x 1 dress)+(us$15 x 5% x 40% x 10 bow ties)+(us$46.9 x 10% x 40% x 10 dresses)=total: us$ 34.06
Where i can find the access to share an item or photo?
Before you sharing an item or a photo, please do sign in your ekacy member account firstly, otherwise, it will not be able to credit commission into your account.
sharing an item, you can find the sharing access buttons on the item detail page as below:

Sharing a photo, you can find the sharing access buttons as below:
clicking "Look at our buyer's wearing" on a store page to enter a photo gallery:

clicking a photo you want to share or zoom in on the photo gallery:

so you will see the enlarged photo detail with sharing buttons as below:

Would you have any questions, please
contact us!