I found this is an interesting marketplace! It is only specializing in clothing products. I found my items very fast and directly from the original designer, it connects all designers all over the world to sell their originally-designed clothing products!!! It is so lovely!!!!
----By Lisa sleeman
Using buyer tools!
My profile
Edit profile
Edit email
Edit password
My purchase order
My favorite items
My favorite shops
My reviews list
My message
My friend list
Report case/messages

After you created an buyer account and sign in, you will see my account page where there are buyer tools as below:

My profile:
My profile includes three parts: 1, my image, 2,Names/address, 3,edit profile/email/password.
As a buyer, adding your image will give the sellers/designers more confidence and good impression to recognize you so that can easily get more discount or promotion coupon code when you buy items from them.
As a seller, adding your image can increase buyer's more confidence and trusting you to make the decision to buy items from your store.
To add your image, please click "Edit my image" to go to editing page as below:

Click "file" button to select an image of you from your computer/cellphone, after seleted the image to upload, then click the button "Finish" which will be done!

Edit profile
By clicking "Edit profile", it go to the page with the form as below:

Fill out the form and click submit so that the profile information will be updated.

Edit email:
By clicking "Edit email" to go to the form as below:

Fill out the form and click submit so that your email will be updated with your new email!

Edit password:
By clicking "Edit password" to go to the form as below:

Fill out the form and click submit so that your password will be updated with your new password!

My purchuse order
If you already placed one or more orders, you can click here to view all your orders. By clicking "My purchuse order", it will go the the order page as below:

On this page, you can view all your orders summary as well as the payment status and shipping stutus, If the order was not paid yet, the seller will not arrange the order and the order will be only arranged after the payment completed, so click the blue button "Make the payment" to complete the payment.

If want to view each single order detail, please click "check order receipt detail" and you will see the page as below:

My favorite items:

If you have already add some items in your favorite item list and buy later, then you can view all the favorite items summary by clicking "My favorite items", it will go to the page as below:

When you are reviewing some of the items in our marketplace and you are interested in them, but want to buy later, then you can add these items in your this my favorite items list so that you later can easily find these items by viewing your above favorite items list.

How can i add an item to my favorite items list? Yes, when you are reviewing the pictures of an item in our market place, you will see a button "Add to my favorites" at the bottom of the item picture which is as below in red circled:

Just click this "Add to my favorites" and the item will be added to your favorites item list.

My favorites shops:
By clicking this "My favorites shops", it will go to your favorites shops list page as below:

When reviewing some items you are insterested and you want to buy the items later, or you are interested in some stores, then you can add the store to my favorites shops. To add the shop to my favorites shops, please click the button "Add to my favorite shops" on the left top of the store site page.

My reviews list:

If you already placed an order, you can write reviews or revise your reviews on this page which is as below:

My message:
Communciating with the seller or other member is easy and very convenient by using our marketplace message system, clicking "My message", you will see all your messages summary as below:

On the messages summary page, click any message title of the messages, it will come to the single message detail as below:

So if you want to reply to the message, then write on the box and submit which will be done. Also three pictures can be attached by clicking "Attach picture" to add to send together with the message.

So how i contact the seller or another member? Well, when are you reviewing a store, you can click the button "Contact the shop" on the left top of the store page such as below in red circled:

When you are viewing an item, click "Contact the seller" on the right top of the item list page such as below in red circled:

Also, if you already placed an order, click the "Contact seller" on the head of each order summary such as below in red circled:

Or click the blue button "Contact the seller" on the single order receipt detail page such as below:

When you are reviewing another member information page, you can ontact the member by clicking "contact me" such as below in red circled:

Normally, because the seller/members are from different countries with different time zone, while you are at day, they are at night, so they will not reply to your message immediately, but will reply to you within 24 hours. Please sign in and click "My message" on my account page to check all message replies!

My friend list:

Clicking "My friends list" to the friends list management page where you can manage your friends list, you can add your friends here as below:

With this frinds list, you can share the items you are viewing to all the friends in your friends list conveniently, when you are viewing an item on the item detail page, you click "Send to my friend" such below picture in cicled:

it will go to below the page as below:

Write some notes on the box if need, and then click submit, so that the item list will be shared with your frinds.

Report/cases messages:
By clicking "Report/cases messages", it will go to the Report/cases messages summary as below:

Click any subject of the messages to go to the message detail as below:

On this message detail page, you can write message on the box as well as attach pictures, then click send button to send the message to us! We will get back to you within 24 hours!

To submit a report or file a case: when you are reviewing a store or an item and think the store is violating our policies or rules or having a copyright issues..please click "Report this shop" on the top of store page and "Report this item" on the right top of product detail page, such as below in red circled:

If you already placed an order and having problem with the order, such as you never received your item etc, you can click "File a case" at the bottom of your single order receipt detail page to file a case, such as below picture showing, We will help to investigate the case and try to help to you solve the problem.

On the bottom of the site page, there is a box for filling your email address, add your email address and click button subscribe for getting fresh Ekacy trends and coupon code for big discount, or some other discount activities.
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